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Is your business ready to go for Quarter 4?

Last year, we gave you 6 ideas to improve your business during the summer slowdown and get ready for Quarter 4, which we published in June.

This year, however, it seems like everything has slowed down and is running behind due to the pandemic – leads, order delivery, payments. So, even though this year’s “summer project ideas” post is coming to you in mid-August, it’s not too late to get your business computer network prepared for whatever Quarter 4 may bring.

So, what are some ways you can take advantage of this slower time to improve your business? Here are 4 ideas to get your business ready and in shape for Quarter 4:

Review your remote worker network security

It’s true that many Michigan businesses are back in the office. Maybe your staff has been on-site all along. But there are several good reasons to review your remote worker security.

  1. Another state-mandated shutdown. Last spring, most businesses were caught unaware for the business shutdown. Many were scrambling to purchase new or redeploy old laptops. Some had staff use their own devices to log into company servers and networks. Most didn’t bother to review their network security for remote workers.
  2. Those who need to continue working remotely. People caring for kids who are now without daycare may need to work from home. Staff members with compromised immune systems, or caring for others with health conditions may likewise need to work from home. And do you really want anyone coming to work with a sniffle, let alone a fever these days? People with illness symptoms who otherwise feel fine may wish to work from home instead of taking sick time, saving that for when they are truly feeling poorly.
  3. A side benefit. Some view working from home to be a side benefit of their job, and may be willing to trade raises or other benefits for that privilege.

No matter the reason, remote work is probably here to stay for a long time. Work with your IT team to ensure your network security properly protects your business data.

Check your backups

If you have a good IT team, they should be reviewing your backup configurations and confirming that backups can be restored on demand. Modern best practice pairs an on-site device with remote cloud backup.

File and Software Access

Ugh – passwords. We all hate them. We hate coming up with them, we hate trying to remember them. This aggravation leads to people using simple, unsecure passwords. And that puts your entire business at risk.

One option is to review your password policies to require secure passwords. Work with your IT team to make sure these are enforced.

Another choice is to invest in a password management system for your staff. Many allow remote management, which means you can easily change or delete passwords when staff members leave. Bonus: Many will randomly-generate passwords, so no one has to invent or remember them.

A third choice is multi-factor authentication, which requires an additional code sent to the user’s phone or email when logging in.


We mentioned this last year as well, but training your staff to spot security threats such as phishing emails, scam emails, and the like pays off by keeping your network secure. We have some new training options that help build your network security by training your team. Talk to your account manager about these new training options today.

This year’s “summer slowdown” is a little different than most. But there’s no reason to slack off when it comes to network security.

Do you need assistance implementing these initiatives? Give us a call today, or fill out the form at the right for a no-obligation consultation.


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