Managed Network Security from TAZ Networks
Cybersecurity threats constantly change and grow. Are you up to speed?
Let TAZ Networks provide total network security.
Network security can cause many sleepless nights for business owners. Not all cyber attacks are targeted, and no business is “too small” to be hacked. A data breach can result in thousands of dollars in fines, or shutting your business doors. This is why all businesses need network security. With our comprehensive security overview and services, TAZ Networks can identify and resolve potential weaknesses in your network.
Here are five network security protections TAZ Networks provides to protect your network:

Let our managed IT network security team help you.
Managed Firewall
Never worry about updating your firewall again. With our managed firewall service, TAZ Networks updates your firewall with a state-of-the-art model with faster throughput. We monitor and maintain all security services on the firewall and report legitimate threats back to you. With our managed network security solution we will make sure that your firewall is what it should be — a secure shield between you and the wilds of the Internet.
Intrusion Detection
Intrusion detection should be standard for any network. This protection makes sure to keep the bad guys out while verifying good traffic. With ransomware and other threats attacking networks on a daily basis, this professional-level security protection is a must.
Multi-Layered Anti-virus
With our managed network security we make sure to have a multi-layered approach to anti-virus. Not only do you need exceptional anti-virus for every workstation and server on your network, but you also need anti-virus protection on the firewall. We can provide this double coverage. As well, our anti-virus reporting and monitoring lets you know when a workstation needs an AV update. This multi-layered protection helps keep your network safe and secure.
Server Backups
Backups are a critical part of managed network security. After all, “the best offense is a good defense.” In case of ransomware or a failed hard drive, the best defense is a good backup. We provide standardized software for your server backups and verify that they work each day. On the rare occasion when when backups fail, we make sure to resolve the issue that same day and restart a fresh backup for your network. Never have to worry again about your backups or wonder “will they really work?”
Offsite Backup (Optional)
Our offsite server backup stores your data directly to our remote data center location. You’ll have peace of mind knowing that, if your location is caught in a disaster, we have your backups and the thing that keeps your business running — your data — safe and sound for restoration when you are ready.
Do you know the gaps in your network security?
Call today or fill out the form on the right to schedule your network security review.