Posted by: on May 17, 2022 at 3:44 pm

RainWhat would you do if you walked into your office Monday morning, and it had flooded? You frantically try to pull equipment off the flood hoping that it isn’t ruined. All in-person work freezes and you have to spend the morning draining your office and cleaning the carpets. This happened to us this week. However, due to the disaster plan that we had in place, we could address the flood and continue to provide the top-tier service that we promise. But what did we set in place before this disaster so that our company could keep running?

Remote Work

Most of our employees work from home. This was forced on us when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, however, we adapted quickly and were able to continue providing IT support. Due to this, all of our employees have the technology to work remotely. When your office is flooded, remote work is your only option, because we were already fully set up for remote work, our services to our clients never stopped.


TAZ Networks was lucky, we did not lose any valuable technology. However, if we had we were prepared. Nothing is worse than losing all of the hard work that you had put into a project, or the hours spent setting up an efficient system. Creating cloud backups for those devices helps protect our time and yours. The machine itself might be trashed, but the data is not. Of course, losing your computer or other technology is frustrating, but preparing ahead can help make these disasters less impactful to your business. Nothing is more valuable than your time.

Getting prepared for a future disaster takes time now. While it might seem like you have more important things to do, walking into a flooded office on Monday morning will make you wish that you had spent the extra hour preparing. Plan it into your schedule to figure out what works best for your company. If you need help with this, you can contact us at for more information.

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