Posted by: TAZ Networks on April 20, 2018 at 8:00 am
The President’s Corner — What Facebook in the News Can Teach Us As SMB Owners
by Tavis Patterson

Facebook in the news
As I write this, Mark Zuckerberg’s second day in front of the Senate answering direct questions about Facebook and privacy of the data dominates the news. This is on top of CNBC reporting that another firm used personality profile quizzes and then sold that data for intense profiling of folks that use Facebook. In my humble opinion, this can teach us two very important lessons as SMB owners:
1. Read SOME of the Fine Print! Facebook and social media sites in general have a tremendous amount of information on us because we don’t read the small print and just click, YES, YES, YES on every popup. We see it, too, when individuals go to install little software applications and suddenly their homepage changes — because they didn’t take the time to read. We have to educate our users to make sure to take the time to understand technology and not get immediately frustrated with it. This can actually be a huge savings potential for every SMB owner that might get attacked.
We might have to help our users understand as well that not every quiz on “Get to Know Yourself” is what it seems.
2. Protect Your Data! Make sure to take extra safeguards to make sure that your data remains just that way… your data. We know of many safeguards to put in place, and there is no question that compliance regulations are stepping this up as well. Take data security seriously so a breach doesn’t happen under your watch.
This article originally appeared in our April 2018 print newsletter.