Posted by: on at 9:15 pm

I woke up the other morning and grabbed my jacket for the first time this year. It was a beautiful but chilly October morning. October is definitely beautiful in our neck of the woods and I’m sure you’ve got a visit planned to go up north to check out the leaves and scenery or a quick jaunt to our local apple orchards for some cider (and too many doughnuts!).

calendar31October also is the time of the year when we start to really realize that year-end is coming on strong. I know that I begin to formalize my business plan for the next year and see how this year stacks up against my budget.

For many of our clients, 2015 has been a tremendous year of growth. They have stayed busy while keeping a prudent eye on expenses so as not to overextend themselves like so many have done in recent years.

It might be time to also look at the fiscal ramifications of a good year as well. Can some extra budget money be put into replacing aging technology as a wise investment for the future rather than having Uncle Sam grab it? If that’s the case for you, please let us know sooner rather than later. We’re already scheduling projects for the end of the year, so to get something done this year you might have to act fast. Otherwise, a nice alternative may be to pay for capital items and get those in for 2015, or perhaps pay for a project in its entirety ahead of time to avoid taxation. If we need to be flexible with our billing for you please let me know, and we can arrange something.

— Tavis


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