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Man working on vacation If it ain’t broke don’t fix it, right? Wrong, especially when it comes to computers. If you wait for your PC to break you could lose valuable data before it has a chance to backup. It is important to take the time and check your tech, your computer, or other devices to make sure that they are still running adequately. As a rule of thumb, a new laptop is needed every 3-4 years. We are going to give 4 more ways that you can tell when it’s time for an upgrade.

1 – Application Load Time

It can be frustrating wasting valuable time for an application to open. You remember your fresh and shiny laptop that booted Word up in seconds, and now it takes minutes. This is one of the first signs that you might need an upgrade.

2 – Fans are Loud

Your laptop shouldn’t sound like an airplane during takeoff. Especially when it’s only trying to open your email. This is an audible cue that your laptop is struggling to handle basic tasks. However, it’s also important to note that some laptops are just loud. It is recommended that you compare your laptop to how it sounded when you first bought it.

3 – Slow Startup and Shutdown Time

Is your laptop taking years to startup? Turning your computer on should not be something that you have to plan time for. Your computer should take a few seconds to startup. If it takes any longer than this, it can be an indicator that your PC is handling too much data and needs to either be cleaned out or replaced. A new laptop with a solid-state disk (SSD) might be necessary

4 – Multitasking Issues

We are busy people; we need to do more than one thing at a time. Imagine trying to run off one tab in your browser. It is unrealistic; however, people are limiting themselves because of the tech that they are using. By upgrading your computer so that you can multitask, you are creating a better work environment for yourself. You could even be saving thousands of dollars for your employees as well.


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