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Old keyboard - Clean out

It’s happening, Michigan has decided to finally give us warm weather. With Spring comes the dreaded Spring cleaning. Where everyone tears their closets apart just to fill them up again. But our closet isn’t the only thing in our life that gets cluttered. How many times have you had to clear out your desktop due to the sheer number of icons that flood your home screen? Here at TAZ Networks, we are recommending adding a new “room” to your spring cleaning list, your computer. Let’s look at three ways we can do this.

1 – Clean your browser

Like a junk drawer, our browser can keep collecting more and more data that we no longer need. This can make them run slower, to get that speed back you need to delete cookies, our history, and cached files. While this will force you to re-login to all your sites, a minor inconvenience is worth clearing the clutter out. So, before you do this, make sure that you remember all your passwords.

2 – Remove unused apps

Remember that one app you downloaded years ago to play a video with an unfamiliar file type? Yeah, neither do I, but I assure you they are there. Make sure that you go through all your apps and clear out the ones that are no longer needed. This will free up space and allow your machine to run much faster.

3 – Update your passwords

I know, we are asking you to finally change your password from your favorite kid. However, it is important to regularly change passwords as a protection. Using the same password for years and years will eventually catch up to you. Data breaches and cyber-attacks are only becoming more common, it is important that you stay on top of this to protect your data.

Cleaning out your computer is just as important as your closet. Just like you need room for the new shoes you are never going to wear, we need room for the new apps we are never going to use. By creating this space, we are allowing ourselves to be organized, helping us to be more productive than ever before. Clean computer, clean mind.


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