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photo of Tavis Patterson, President of TAZ Networks

Tavis Patterson, president and owner of TAZ Networks, Inc.

Well, it’s late summer, and driving into work I’m seeing the school buses back on the road in Hartland. For Irene and I this will be the first year in a long time that we won’t have any kids in school of any type. What a weird feeling! Time sure has gone by quickly, as I’m sure so many of you can attest to. I hope that you were able to take advantage of the summer months and take some time away and enjoy the wonderful summer we’ve had here in Michigan.

This summer has been busier than most for us here at TAZ Networks. As you probably know, we acquired Greyhound Technologies LTD on July 1st. Greyhound was owned by a husband and wife team, Lance and Joanne, much like we are at TAZ Networks with Irene and myself. Unfortunately, Lance passed away about a year and half ago, and Joanne needed to focus on other things. We are happy to have these new clients join the TAZ Networks family!

If I can do anything personally to make the transition easier for any of you, please do not hesitate to reach out. We have gained some talented staff in this acquisition, and I look forward to working with all of them. Irene and I are thankful for each and every client we have and know that our success is only as good as the people that we have helping you on a daily basis.

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