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by Grant Thomson

Illustration of binary code to demonstrate domain or DNS control

Why you should always keep control of your domain – with a trusted partner as backup.

So, you want to improve your website, You’ve found a great new web developer that promises the moon and tells you “you need to move your domain over to us.” Or, you want to hire a marketing company to help with SEO and email blasts, and they want to “move” your domain.

Well, no matter how great the web, email marketing or SEO service appears to be, you DON’T have to give them control over your domain. When businesses give up control, we regularly hear horror stories of broken websites, expired or inaccessible domains, disappearing email, and more. Even when a reputable company or a trusted friend or relative manages your domain, serious issues can happen despite best intentions.

Most people don’t realize that there are three main components to

  • a registrar (where your “ownership title” to your domain resides);
  • name servers (which decides who gets to manage your “internet address book”); and,
  • DNS (which is the address book that tells the internet where each of your web, email and other internet services reside).

Why Your Domain Manager Matters

Your registrar should be one of your choice. No one needs to move your domain to a new registrar that is beyond your full control. Whoever has access to your registrar has the keys to your internet kingdom.

When your domain expires, email can break. Or your web site can turn into one big 404 error.

Although it’s rarely necessary, name servers can in some cases safely point to a third party. Whoever manages these name servers can modify the DNS (see above), which ultimately performs the magic to make your website appear and your email messages flow.

So keep control of your domain name, because it’s yours. Let TAZ Networks be your “offsite backup” for domain management, because we know how to direct traffic for everything connected.

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