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2018 to 2019 illustration

Here are some TAZ Networks highlights as we move toward 2019.

As we close out 2018, we want to thank our clients, who have put their trust in us to manage their IT on an ongoing, monthly basis, so that they can focus on managing their business.

If you shared our email newsletters or a link to our website, left us a positive comment or a testimonial, or passed our name along to another business owner, we appreciate the part you played in our accomplishments.

Tavis started TAZ Networks in 2003, so this was our 15th anniversary. We’ve come a long way since that basement in Howell, Michigan! Here are a few 2018 statistics and highlights that we’re especially proud of:

You or someone you work with has probably gotten a survey from us at the close of a service ticket. We keep track of the average of those scores over 90 days and constantly work to improve. In 2017, we achieved a new high of 4.8 out of 5 points. This year we clobbered that score with a 90-day average of 4.98 – twice!

Tavis set a big, stretch sales goal for us with a potential reward of the entire team watching a Detroit Pistons game from a suite at the new Little Caesar’s Arena, dinner included. Most of us think he might have doubted that we would make it. However, our tentative game date is January 18.

How did we reach that goal? One major boost was signing nine new managed services clients!

And yet, we’ve done more with less. Or, fewerfewer staff, that is. We started the year with 15 on the team. Two from our technical team moved on this year, while Bryan joined us in April. The net result was fewer staff than we had in 2017. To support our expanding client base, we’re hiring another field consultant. (It’s not too late to apply!)

Our team continues to improve with several updated multiple technical certifications. Updated skills helped us close a new record of 19,527 tickets! (Updated January 1, 2019.)

In personal news, we had one wedding, two babies and a grandbaby among our team members. (No, not all the same person!)

None of our success happens in a vacuum. Without our clients, we would be nowhere. Thank you so much. May we all have an excellent 2019!

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