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Free up your time and budget with managed network services.

Here are 6 ways managed network services benefits can lighten your workload, improve your budget, and more.

Managed Network Services Benefits to the Business Owner:

A trusted business advisor. Just as you rely on your CPA or your attorney for reliable business advice, a managed services provider can do the same thing for your computer networking needs. They have seen many situations, in many kinds of businesses, and can help you determine the best course of action for yours.

Broader range of expertise. When you hire one person, you hire what that one person knows. When you hire an MSP, you hire what every person in that company knows. A collaborative team of experts combines their knowledge to bring a full range of expertise to your business computer network.

Cost savings. If you’ve been considering hiring a new IT person, you probably know that the average salary for an entry-level Systems Administrator in the Detroit area is about $67,000. And, the higher level of expertise required, the higher the salary. That’s not including taxes, insurance, time off, holidays, and all the other costs that come with employing additional staff. A full-service managed network services provider, however, can cost a fraction of that, with full-time availability, plus emergency after-hours service and holiday coverage.

“TAZ Networks consultants know my company’s network and inner workings, which saves me valuable time on the phone. Running our business is what we are good at. That’s what we want to focus on, and why we have TAZ Networks handle our IT needs.”

Managed Services Benefits for the IT Manager:

An extra pair of eyes. It never hurts to have another expert on your side, reviewing the network and alerting you to pending issues before they become a problem.

Get that extra help you wanted. Are you overwhelmed handling your company’s IT but don’t have the budget to hire another person? A managed network services provider might be able to provide the extra hands you need, within the budget you have.

Flexibility of services. This is another solution to the limited budget problem. Maybe your expertise is in desktop support, but you aren’t sure if your backups are protecting the company well enough. Or vice versa. Some managed services providers will do a “partial-service contract” where they handle a specific aspect of network support, while you handle the rest.

“Prior to working with TAZ Networks, we had an in-house IT person. But our system had become too complex for one person with limited experience to manage. Eventually, the best course of action was to hire a team of professionals to handle our IT needs.”

If you’d like to find qualified experts to look after your business computer network for less money than hiring a full-time computer technician, look into managed network services.

This article was originally posted in August 2018. It has been updated.

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