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The President’s Corner: How TAZ Networks Benefits from Belonging to a Peer Group

peer group

As the owner of TAZ Networks, Tavis Patterson benefits from HTG – a technology peer group.

by Tavis Patterson

As a business owner have you ever just sat and thought about who could help you with a problem in your business? “Surely someone has encountered this very thing before and could help me with a solution!” Most people rely on a trusted advisor, consultant, or mentor. As the owner of TAZ Networks, I rely on a peer group. I highly recommend this kind of resource to all of my clients.

TAZ Networks belongs to the Heartland Technology Groups (HTG) where we talk about the day-to-day struggles of technology companies. As you can imagine, we aren’t alone. Many of my peers have the same issues I do. I’m sure in your industry they have exactly the same sort of thing.

I just came back from our Phoenix meeting (yeah I know, tough weather!) and we covered such topics as the future of cloud computing, compensation for executives, referrals and how to get them, leadership training, how to get leaders to rise in our organizations, financial uncertainties, vendor relationships and a host of other things in a jampacked 3 days. Check out a peer group for your organization!


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